Euglena W.M.
Amoeba  proteus W.M.
Paramecium caudatum W.M.
Conjugation of Paramecium caudatum W.M.
Binary fisson of Paramecium caudatum w.m.
Vorticella W.M.
Stylonychia W.M.
Water rotifer W.M
Entamoeba histolytica cyst W.M
Entamoeba coli trophozoites smear
Amebic cyst in the colon W.M
Iodamoeba buetschlii cyst smear
Amastigote of leishmania donovani w.m
Promastigote of leishmania donovani w.m
Bloodstream trypanosomes smear
Giardia lamblia trophozoite W.M
Giardia lamblia cyst W.M
Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoites w.m
Trichomonas vaginalis w.m
Plasmodium vivax w.m
Plasmodium falciparum w.m
Toxoplasma gondii trophozoites w.m
Pneumocystis carinii cysts w.m
Eimeria oocysts w.m
Balantidium coli cysts w.m
Balantidium coli trophozoite w.m
Freshwater sponge w.m
Sponge spicules w.m(calcareous)
Sponge spicules w.m(Siliceous)
Hydra general w.m
Hydra with budding W.M.
Hydra T.S.
Hydra L.S.
Hydra through testes sec.
Hydra through ovary sec.
Nerve net of Hydra W.M.
Hydra through bud L.S.
Hydra thru. cavity food t.s
Hydra with cavity food w.m
Hydra through testes &ovary T.S.
Hydroid  predation L.s.
Planaria (intestine  injected) W.M.
Planaria (show reproduction system)W.M.
Planarian thru. pharynx t.s (HE)
Fasciola hepatica adult w.m
Fasciola hepatica adult t.s
Tapeworm sec.
Mature proglottid of Taenia ovis W.M.
Planaria W.M.general
Planarian sagittal sec.
Planarian thru. eye t.s
Clonorchis sinensis adults w.m
Clonorchis sinensis adults t.s
Egg of Clonorchis sinensis w.m (Natural Color)
Clonorchis sinensis  liver sec(HE)
Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae W.M
Egg of Fasciolopsis buski W.M(Natural Color)
Fasciolopsis buski adult W.M
Egg of paragonimus westermani(Natural Color)
Paragonimus westermani W.M.
Schistosoma japonicum(female)W.M.
Schistosoma japonicum(male)W.M.
Sexual mosaic of Schistosoma japonicum W.M.
Eggs of Schistosoma japonicum W.M.(natural color)
Miracidium of Schistosoma japonicumW.M.
Schistosoma japonicum sporocyst W.M
Cercaria of Schistosoma japonicum W.M.
Schistosoma female sporocyst W.M
Tapeworm eggs W.M (natural color)
Taenia solium scolex w.m
Taenia solium immature proglottid w.m
Taenia solium mature proglottid w.m
Taenia solium cysticercus w.m
Cysticercus cellulosae cysts sec.
Taenia solium pregnancy proglottid w.m
Taenia saginata scolex w.m
Taenia saginata mature proglottid w.m
Taenia saginata immature proglottid w.m
Taenia saginata pregnancy proglottid w.m(ink injection)
Taenia saginata pregnancy proglottid w.m
E.granulosus adult w.m
Hydatid sand  w.m(former head larva)
Dipylidium caninum mature proglottid w.m
Dipylidium caninum immature proglottid w.m
Dipylidium caninum scolex proglottid w.m
Dipylidium caninum pregnancy proglottid w.m
Taenia ovis segments t.s
Ascaris male t.s
Ascaris female t.s
Ascaris Male and female t.s
Ascaris male l.s(shown Transfer thorn)
Human pinworm female w.m
Rotifers w.m
Ascaris fertilized egg w.m (natural color)
Ascaris unfertilized eggs w.m (natural color)
Ascaris Deproteinized membrane fertilized egg  w.m(natural color)
Ascaris head w.m
Ascaris tail end  w.m(Male)
Horse Ascaris eggs w.m
Whipworm eggs w.m (natural color)
Whipworm females w.m
Whipworm male w.m
Pinworm eggs w.m (natural color)
Hookworm eggs w.m (natural color)
Malay microfilaria w.m
Adult Trichinella spiralis w.m
Trichinella larvae w.m
Trichinella larvae cysts sec.(HE)
Trichinella larvae cysts tabletting
Macracanthorynchus hirudinaceus eggs w.m (natural color)
Mixed eggs  w.m(trematodes eggs)
Mixed eggs  w.m(nematode eggs)
Angiostrongyliasis w.m (female)
Angiostrongyliasis w.m(male)
Necator americanus female w.m
Necator americanus male w.m
Ancylostoma duodenale female w.m
Ancylostoma duodenale male w.m
Pheretima t.s
Pheretima l.s
Pheretima thru. Clitellum C.S.
Leech t.s
Leech w.m(shown digestive system)
Leech three parts t.s
Earthworms t.s (general construction)
Earthworm Clitellum  t.s
Earthworm l.s
Nereis parapodia w.m
Mussel gill t.s
Mussel gill ciliated epithelium sec.
Glochidia w.m
Shrimp balanced capsular t.s
Penaeus orientalis balanced capsular sec.
Penaeus orientalis testis sec.
Penaeus orientalis intestine t.s
Daphnia w.m
Big eyes Daphnia
Long belly Cyclops w.m
Cyclops female w.m
Cyclops male w.m
Cotton red spider w.m
Mulberry whiteflies wm
Aphids  Gossypii w.m
Hard tick (Ixodes) Adult w.m
Chigger mites larvae w.m
Chigger mites Adult w.m
Scabies adults w.m
Demodex adults w.m
Gamasida larvae w.m
Gamasida adults w.m
Dust mites adults w.m
Anopheles eggs w.m
Culex eggs w.m
Aedes eggs w.m
Anopheles pupae w.m
Culex pupae w.m
Aedes pupae w.m
Anopheles larvae w.m
Culex larvae w.m
Aedes larvae w.m
Anopheles (female) mouthparts w.m
Anopheles (male) mouthparts w.m
Culex (female) mouthparts w.m
Culex (male) mouthparts w.m
Aedes (female) mouthparts w.m
Aedes (male) mouthparts w.m
Anopheles (female and male) adults w.m
Anopheles (female) Adult  w.m
Anopheles (male) Adult  w.m
Culex (female and male) adults w.m
Culex (female) Adult  w.m
Culex (male) Adult  w.m
Aedes (female and male) adults w.m
Aedes Adult (female) w.m
Aedes Adult  (male)  w.m
Housefly mouthparts w.m
Fly maggots w.m
Sandfly adult (female) w.m
Sandfly adults (male) w.m
Fleas adult w.m(flea w.m)
Flea eggs w.m
human louse female  w.m
human louse male  w.m
human louse eggs w.m
Culex (male and female) mouthparts w.m
Anopheles sinensis female and male mouthparts w.m
Anopheles sinensis female and male antennae w.m
Housefly eggs w.m
Fly Pupae w.m
Flower thrips w.m
Rice thrips w.m
Avenae w.m
Schizaphis w.m
Millet grain aphid w.m
Wheat long legs spider w.m
Penthaleus w.m
Wheat midge w.m
Corn aphid w.m
Sorghum aphid w.m
Cotton aphid w.m
Wheat avenae winged aphids w.m
Wheat avenae wingless aphids w.m
Thrips tabaci w.m
Carmine spider mite w.m
Aphidius w.m
Soybean aphids w.m
Diaeretiella w.m
Peanut aphid w.m
Apple aphid w.m
Tetranychus viennensis w.m
Schizaphis w.m
Hyalopterus aphid  w.m
Peach aphid tumor w.m
Carrot aphid w.m
Persicae w.m
Melon aphid w.m
Bean aphid w.m
Onion thrips w.m
Spiraea aphid w.m
Cabbage aphid w.m
Chewing mouthpart w.m(Grasshopper)
Chewing-lapping mouthpart  w.m(Honeybee)
Piercing-sucking mouthpart  w.m(Mosquito)
Sponging mouthpart  w.m(Housefly)
Siphoning mouthpart  w.m(Butterfly )
Walking leg  w.m(Cockroach )
Grasping leg  w.m(Mantis)
Digging leg  w.m(Mole cricket)
Swimming foot  w.m(Codium)
Clasping leg w.m (Diving beetle )
Pollen-carrying leg w.m (Honeybee )
Jumping leg  w.m(Grasshoper)
Climbing leg  w.m(Louse )
Insects foot four types w.m (locusts,bees, mantis, houseflies)
Bee Hymenoptera w.m
Leather-winged locusts w.m
Housefly balance bar w.m
Butterfly wing scales w.m
Setaceous antenna  w.m(Dragonfly)
Filiform antenna w.m ( Grasshopper)
Moniliform antenna  w.m(Termite)
Serrate antenna w.m(Epicauta)
Pectinate-Shape feel w.m(Moth)
Geniculate antenna (Honneybee)
Aristate antenna w.m( Housefly)
Whorled antenna  w.m(male Mosquito)
Clavate antenna w.m( Butterfly)
Insect antennae five types w.m(mosquitoes, butterflies, bees, houseflies, locusts)
Crickets mouthparts w.m
Butterfly beak t.s
Stephanitis mouthparts w.m
Housefly beak t.s
Insects compound eyes  w.m.
Insects compound eyes l.s (HE)
Insect tracheal w.m
locusts Mahalanobis tube w.m
locusts external genitalia w.m
locusts back vascular t.s
locusts ventral nerve cord l.s
locusts esophagus t.s
locusts craw t.s
locusts forestomach t.s
locusts midgut t.s(intestinal blind sac)
locusts hindgut t.s
Drosophila wing w.m
Drosophila  w.m(broken wings)
Drosophila w.m(female)
Drosophila  w.m(male)
Drosophila egg w.m
Fly larvae poststigma w.m
Locusts testis l.s
Crickets gizzard t.s
Cricket forefoot w.m
Housefly foot w.m
Housefly wings w.m
Fly alula
Silkworm muscle l.s
Silkworm larvae jaw  w.m
Silkworm larval body wall sec.
Silkworm midgut t.s
Silkworm larval dorsal vessel t.s
Silkworm blood smear
Silkworm Mahalanobis tube w.m
Silk gland sec.
Silkworm brain sec.
Silkworm ovary sec.
Silkworm testicles sec.
Silkworm eggs w.m
Ant silkworm w.m
Silkworm larvae  Stage 1w.m
Silkworm larvae  Stage 2w.m
Silkworm larvae  Stage 3w.m
Sexta larvae body trunk t.s
Sexta eggs w.m
Cabbage butterfly eggs w.m
Suppressalis w.m
Bees compound eyes l.s
Dragonflies compound eyes l.s
Culex wings w.m
Bee sting w.m
Fly wings and feet w.m
Myriapoda t.s
Chironomid larvae w.m
Dragonfly wings w.m
Housefly eyes sec.
Mosquito life history w.m[egg, larva, pupa and adult (male and female)]
Insects airbags w.m
Avenae w.m
Centipede head w.m
Centipede somites w.m
Lithobiidae w.m
Armadillidium w.m
Cockroach breathing tube w.m
Cockroaches mouthparts w.m
Housefly compound eyes w.m
Dragonflies compound eyes  w.m
Bees compound eyes w.m
Starfish thru. skin gills sec.
Starfish body wall sec.
Starfish wrist t.s(shown nerve)
Starfish through Body discand wrist l.s
Eggs of sea urchin W.M.
2-cell stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
4-cell stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
8-cell stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
16-cell stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
32-cell stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
Blastula stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
Gastrula of egg of sea urchin W.M.
Cleavage stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
Amphioxus W.M.(carmine)
Amphioxus through oral hood T.S.
Amphioxus through pharynx T.S.
Amphioxus through intestine T.S.
Amphioxus through gonad T.S.
Amphioxus through caudal region T.S.
Amphioxus combination (mouth, pharynx, intestine, tail)
Eggs of Amphioxus W.M.
2-cell stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
4-cell stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
8-cell stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
16-cell stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
Blastula stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
Forepart,Middle and back parts of Amphioxus,W.M.
32-cell stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
Amphioxus  Gastrula w.m
Lampreys median sagittal sec.
Lampreys skin sec.
Fish skin sec.(carp)
Carp skin sec.
Gills t.s
Intestine sec.
Fish spleen sec.
Fish blood smear
Fish pronephros sec.
Fish kidney(Forepart) sec.
Fish kidney(Backpart) sec.
Fish esophagus sec.
Fish stomach wall sec.
Fish skeletal muscle t.s
Fish heart l.s
Fish ganoid scale w.m
Fish tail sec.
Male fish testis t.s
Fish smooth muscle t.s
Freshwater fish w.m
Freshwater fish tail t.s
Carp liver and pancreas sec.
Carp thru. gills t.s
Carp brain l.s(silver staining)
Carp taste buds sec.
Sea bass skin  sec.(shown flake rank)
Grass carp testis sec.
Grass carp liver and pancreas (HE)
Silver carp gills t.s
Silver carp testis sec.
Young silver carp scales w.m
Chub spinal cord t.s(silver stain)
Chub testis sec.
Chub ovary sec.
Bone scales sec. (Crucian carp)
Bone scales w.m (Crucian carp)
Crucian carp blood smear
Crucian carp scales w.m
Crucian carp brain sec.
Crucian carp testis sec.
Crucian carp ovary sec.
Crucian carp kidney  forepart sec.
Crucian carp  kidney  middlepart sec.
Crucian carp kidney backpart sec.
Crucian carp spinal  t.s
Crucian carp taste buds sec.
Crucian carp intestine sec.
Loach notch filter sec.
Loach tentaculum  t.s(shown taste bud)
Loach gill t.s
Loach intestine t.s
Amphibia &. Reptile
Cynops orientalis skin t.s (shown venom)
Cynops orientalis  liver sec.
Toad skin sec.
Toad testis sec.
Toad ovary sec.
Toad tendon sec.
Frog skin pigment cells w.m
Frog skin sec.
Frog liver sec.
Frog blood smear
Frog tongue t.s(ciliated epithelium sec.)
Frog lung sec.
Frog ovaries sec.
Planktonic animals and plants w.m(freshwater plankton)
Frog intestine sec.
Frog tadpoles whole l.s
Frog tadpoles 10mm w.m
Frog testis sec.
Tiger frog skin w.m
Tiger frog muscle sec.
Tiger frog kidney sec.
Tiger frog intestine t.s
Tiger frog liver sec.
Gecko lung sec.
Gecko kidney sec.
Gecko foot sec.
Gecko intestine t.s
Gecko stomach sec.
Gecko ovary sec.
Snake skin sec.
Snake midgut sec.
Snake hindgut sec.
Snake rectum sec.
Snake muscle sec.
Snake stomach sec.
Snake gallbladder sec.
Snake blood smear
Lizard skin t.s
Lizard blood smear sec.
Bird instant film feather epithelium sec.
Bird skin sec.(shown feathers)
Turkey feathers w.m
Birds are birds w.m(bright yellow)
Bird feathers w.m
Three kinds of feathers w.m (turkey, sparrows, pigeons)
Pigeon cloaca l.s
Bird lungs sec.
Birds Eye sagittal sec.
Duck gizzard sec.
Cockscomb sec.
Goose feather w.m
Bird ovary t.s(show eggs)
Chicken ovary t.s
Chicken proventriculus sec.
Chicken lung sec.
Chicken kidney sec.
Mammalian skin sec.(rabbit)
Rabbit brain l.s (silver stain )
Mouse tail t.s (shown various tissues)
Mouse blood smear
Mouse heart middle l.s
Mouse intestine sec.
Mice mesenteric w.m
Guinea pig liver sec.
Cat ovary sec.
Cat Toed pillow sec.
Cat esophagus t.s
Cats uterine wall sec.
Cats hairless skin sec.
Cat lumbar spinal cord t.s
Sheep mammary gland secretory phase sec.
Sheep mammary gland telogen phase sec.
Dog esophagus t.s
Dog trachea sec.
Rabbit placenta sec.
Pig blood smear
Porcine pancreatic sec.
Medical Protozoa
 Entamoeba histolytica cyst W.M
Entamoeba coli trophozoites smear
Amebic cyst in the colon W.M
Iodamoeba buetschlii cyst smear
Leishmania donovani amastigote  w.m
Leishmania donovani promastigote w.m
Bloodstream trypanosomes smear
 Giardia lamblia trophozoite W.M
 Giardia lamblia cyst W.M
Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoites w.m
Trichomonas vaginalis w.m
Plasmodium vivax w.m
Plasmodium falciparum w.m
Blood Plasmodium smear
Toxoplasma gondii trophozoites w.m
Pneumocystis carinii cysts w.m
Eimeria oocysts w.m
Balantidium coli cysts w.m
Balantidium coli trophozoite w.m
3 Medical Helminthes
Clonorchis sinensis adults w.m
Clonorchis sinensis adults t.s
egg of Clonorchis sinensis w.m (Natural Color)
Clonorchiasis liver sec(HE)
 Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae W.M
Egg of Fasciolopsis buski W.M(Natural Color)
Fasciolopsis buski adult W.M
Egg of paragonimus westermani(Natural Color)W.M.
Paragonimus westermani W.M.
Schistosoma japonicum(female)W.M.
Schistosoma japonicum(male)W.M.
Sexual mosaic of Schistosoma japonicum W.M.
Eggs of Schistosoma japonicum W.M.(natural color)
Miracidium of Schistosoma japonicumW.M.
Schistosoma japonicum sporocyst W.M
Cercaria of Schistosoma japonicum W.M.
Schistosoma female sporocyst W.M
Tapeworm eggs w.m(natural color)
Tapeworm with hook scolex proglottid w.m
Taenia solium scolex w.m
Taenia solium mature proglottid w.m
Taenia solium cysticercus w.m
Cysticercus cellulosae cysts sec.
Taenia solium pregnancy proglottid w.m
Taenia saginata mature proglottid w.m
Taenia saginata immature proglottid w.m
Taenia saginata pregnancy proglottid w.m(ink injection)
Taenia saginata pregnancy proglottid w.m
Taenia saginata scolex w.m
E.granulosus adult w.m
Hydatid sand  w.m(former head larva)
Dipylidium caninum mature proglottid w.m
Dipylidium caninum immature proglottid w.m
Dipylidium caninum scolex proglottid w.m
Dipylidium caninum pregnancy proglottid w.m
Sheep tapeworm segments t.s
Taenia solium immature proglottid w.m
Taenia saginata eggs w.m
Ascaris fertilized egg w.m (natural color)
Ascaris unfertilized eggs w.m (natural color)
Ascaris Deproteinized membrane fertilized egg  w.m(natural color)
Ascaris head w.m
Ascaris tail end  w.m(Male)
Horse Ascaris eggs w.m
Whipworm eggs w.m (natural color)
Whipworm females w.m
Whipworm male w.m
Pinworm eggs w.m (natural color)
Hookworm eggs w.m (natural color)
Malay microfilaria w.m
Adult Trichinella spiralis w.m
Trichinella larvae w.m
Trichinella larvae cysts sec.(HE)
Trichinella larvae cysts tabletting
Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus Pallas eggs w.m (natural color)
Mixing eggs  w.m(trematodes eggs)
Mixing eggs  w.m(nematode eggs)
Angiostrongyliasis w.m (female)
Angiostrongyliasis w.m(male)
Insects, nematodes w.m
4 Medical Arthropod
Class Arachnid
Ixodes Adult w.m
Ixodes genus w.m(Boophilus microplus)
Chigger mites larvae w.m
Chigger mites Adult w.m
Scabies adults w.m
Demodex adults w.m
Gamasida larvae w.m
Gamasida adults w.m
Dust mites adults w.m
Spoke mites w.m
Class Insecta
Anopheles eggs w.m
Culex eggs w.m
Aedes eggs w.m
Anopheles pupae w.m
Culex pupae w.m
Aedes pupae w.m
Anopheles larvae w.m
Culex larvae w.m
Aedes larvae w.m
Anopheles (female) mouthparts w.m
Anopheles (male) mouthparts w.m
Culex (female) mouthparts w.m
Culex (male) mouthparts w.m
Aedes (female) mouthparts w.m
Aedes (male) mouthparts w.m
Anopheles (female and male) adults w.m
Anopheles (female) Adult  w.m
Anopheles (male) Adult  w.m
Anopheles sinensis muscle T.S
Culex (female and male) adults w.m
Culex (female) Adult  w.m
Culex (male) Adult  w.m
Culex pipiens muscle w.m
Aedes (female and male) adults w.m
Aedes Adult (female) w.m
Aedes Adult  (male)  w.m
Mosquitoes (Female) w.m
Housefly mouthparts w.m
Fly maggots w.m
Sandfly adult (female) w.m
Sandfly adults (male) w.m
Fleas adult w.m(flea w.m)
Flea eggs w.m
human lice female  w.m
human lice male  w.m
human lice eggs w.m
Culex (male and female) mouthparts w.m
Anopheles sinensis female and male mouthparts w.m
Anopheles sinensis female and male antennae w.m
Housefly eggs w.m
Pupae w.m
Flower thrips w.m
Rice thrips w.m
Avenae w.m
Schizaphis w.m
Millet grain aphid w.m
Wheat long legs spider w.m
Penthaleus w.m
Wheat midge w.m
Corn aphid w.m
Sorghum aphid w.m
Cotton aphid w.m
Wheat avenae winged aphids w.m
Wheat avenae wingless aphids w.m
Thrips tabaci w.m
Carmine spider mite w.m
Aphidius w.m
Soybean aphids w.m
Diaeretiella w.m
Peanut aphid w.m
Apple aphid w.m
Tetranychus viennensis w.m
Schizaphis w.m
Hyalopterus aphid w.m
Peach aphid tumor w.m
Carrot aphid w.m
Persicae w.m
Melon aphid w.m
Bean aphid w.m
Onion thrips w.m
Spiraea aphid w.m
Cabbage aphid w.m
Panonychus ulmi
Lipaphis erysimi
Eriosoma aphid w.m
Anopheles sinensis wing w.m
Pig louse w.m
Disturbances of Blood circulation
Acute kidney congestion sec. (pig)
Chronic liver congestion sec.
Acute hepatic congestion sec.(pig)
Pulmonary congestion sec.
kidney Anemia infarction sec.(sheep)
Cells Tissue Injuy and Repair
liver Cloudy swelling sec.
kidney Cloudy swelling sec.
Hepatic steatosis sec.
Spleen amyloidosis sec.
Renal abscess sec.
Granulation tissue sec.
Hepatic schistosomiasis
Fish liver cell swelling sec.
Acute lymphadenitis sec.
Acute splenitis sec.
Interstitial pneumonia sec.
Lung cellulose pleurisy sec.
Serous hemorrhagic pneumonia sec.
Acute glomerulonephritis sec.
Suppurative nephritis sec.
Non-suppurative encephalitis sec.
Substantive myocarditis sec.
Interstitial myocarditis sec.
Chronic pyelonephritis sec.
Necrotizing lymphadenitis sec.
Acute catarrhal gastritis sec.
chronic Swine fever Solid membranous colitis sec.


Fibroma sec.
Squamous cell carcinoma sec.
Melanoma sec.
Papilloma (skin) sec.
Fibrosarcoma sec.
Diseases of cardiovascular and Respiatory system
Fish bacterial gill disease sec.
Acute alveolar emphysema sec.
Cellulose pneumonia sec.
Interstitial emphysema sec.
Tuberculosis sec.
Fish bacterial enteritis disease sec.
Marek's disease cardiac sec.
Marek's disease liver sec.
Chicken liver lymphocytic leukemia sec.
Bursa of Fabricius bursa sec.
Swine fever lymph node sec.
Swine fever kidney sec.
Muscle trichinosis sec.
1 Protozoa--Paramecium caudatum
Paramecium caudatum W.M.
Conjugation W.M.
Reproduction by Division w.m.
Hydra w.m
Hydra with bud W.M.
Hydra T.S.
Hydra L.S.
Hydra through testes sec.
Hydra through ovary sec.
Nerve net of Hydra W.M.
Hydra through bud L.S.
Platyhelminthes--Schistosoma japonicum 
Schistosoma japonicum(female)W.M.
Schistosoma japonicum(male)W.M.
Sexual mosaic of Schistosoma japonicum W.M.
Eggs of Schistosoma japonicum W.M.(natural color)
Miracidium of Schistosoma japonicumW.M.
Schistosoma japonicum sporocyst W.M
Cercaria of Schistosoma japonicum W.M.
4Nematodes--Ascarid lumbricoide
Ascaris lumbricoides(male) T.S.
Ascaris lumbricoides(female) T.S.
Ascaris lumbricoides(female&male)W.M.
Ascaris lumbricoides fertilized egg
Ascaris lumbricoides unfertilized eggs
Ascaris lumbricoides head
Male roundworm tail
Hirudo T.S.
HirudoW.M.show digestive system
Three parts of Hirudo T.S.
1  Mouthparts
Chewing mouthpart w.m(Grasshoper)
Chewing-lapping mouthpart  w.m(Honeybee)
Piercing-sucking mouthpart  w.m(Mosquito)
Sponging mouthpart  w.m(Housefly)
Siphoning mouthpart  w.m(Butterfly )
2 Legs
Walking leg  w.m(Cockroach )
Grasping leg  w.m(Mantis)
Digging leg  w.m(Mole cricket)
Clasping leg w.m (Diving beetle )
Pollen-carrying leg w.m (Honeybee )
Jumping leg  w.m(Grasshoper)
Climbing leg  w.m(Louse )
Setaceous antenna  w.m(Dragonfly)
Filiform antenna w.m ( Grasshopper)
Moniliform antenna  w.m(Termite)
Serrate antenna w.m(Epicauta)
Pectinate-Shape feel w.m(Moth)
Geniculate antenna (Honneybee)
Aristate antenna w.m( Housefly)
Whorled antenna  w.m(male Mosquito)
Clavate antenna w.m( Butterfly)
Echinodermata--Sea urchin
Eggs of sea urchin W.M.
2-cell stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
4-cell stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
8-cell stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
16-cell stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
32-cell stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
Blastula stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
Gastrula of egg of sea urchin W.M.
Cleavage stage of egg of sea urchin W.M.
Eggs of Amphioxus W.M.
2-cell stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
4-cell stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
8-cell stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
16-cell stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
Blastula stage of egg of Amphioxus W.M.
Amphioxus  Gastrula w.m
Amphioxus  Cleavage stage w.m
Amphioxus W.M.(carmine)
Amphioxus front,middle and post parts c.s.
Amphioxus through oral hood T.S.
Amphioxus through pharynx T.S.
Amphioxus through intestine T.S.
Amphioxus through gonad T.S.
Amphioxus through caudal region T.S.
Pisces--Cyprinus carpio
Eggs of Carp W.M.
2-cell stage of egg of CarpW.M.
4-cell stage of egg of Carp W.M.
8-cell stage of egg of Carp W.M.
16-cell stage of egg of Carp W.M.
Blastula stage of egg of Carp W.M.
Gastrula of egg of Carp W.M.
Cleavage stage of egg of Carp W.M.
Carp skin sec.
Carp gill t.s
Carp intestine sec.
Carp spleen sec.
Carp kidney sec.
Carp spinal cord sec.
Carp brain l.s
Carp testis sec.
Carp ovary sec.
Carp tail sec.
Carp blood smear
Amphibia --Frog
Simple-cell of egg of Frog sec.
2-cell of egg of Frog sec.
Early cleavage stage of egg of Frog sec.
Late cleavage stage of egg of Frog sec.
Early blastula stage of egg of Frog sec.
Late balstula stage of egg of Frog sec.
Early gastrula/original intestines stage of egg of Frog sec.
Late gastrula stage of Frog frog sec.
Neural plate stage of egg of Frog sec.
Neural fold stage of egg of Frog sec.
Neural tube stage of egg of Frog sec.
Tadpole  10mm w.m
Tadpole whole l.s
Head of Tadpole sec.
Thorax of Tadpole sec.
Abdomen of Tadpole sec.
Frog skin sec.
Frog tongue t.s
Frog lung sec.
Frog liver sec.
Frog intestine sec.
Frog testis sec.
Frog ovary sec.
Frog blood smear
Tephroseris t.s
Dog Ear  t.s
Dog teeth grinding slides
Dog esophagus  t.s
Dog pylorus  t.s
Dog cardia  t.s
Dog Stomach  t.s
Dog heart l.s
Dog Liver sec.
Dog gallbladder sec.
Dog swallow cartilage sec.
Dog tonsil sec.
Dog pancreas sec.
Dog small intestine t.s
Dog ileum sec.
Dog testis sec.
Dog ovary sec.
Dog ureter sec.
Dog spinal T.S
Dog bone marrow smears
Dog Sciatic nerve t.s
Dog sperm smears
Dog blood smear
Dog aorta sec.
Dogs large vein sec.
Dog thyroid sec.
Dog kidney sec.
Dog colon sec.
Dog spleen sec.
Dog thymus sec.
Thymus sec.